Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I'm Sick of It

Chew on this...

Every day we each come into contact with how many people? I'd say AT LEAST 50. It's probably a much bigger number, and for people who are always out and about like I am, it is a number more like 100 or more. By contact I mean proximity, or eye contact even. Its quite a large number. And yet we walk by them, stuck in our little zones, and keeping to ourselves.

Now what if, just what if HALF of those people we stepped outside of out little bubble and smiled to? We initiated a conversation? We offered a hand of help or encouragement? Or we even told them about the love of the gospel Jesus Christ?How many depressions might we lift? How many possible drug fixes might we prevent? How many possible fights are arguments might we steer people from? Or even how many possible suicides might we prevent?

There is no guarentee of a reward. There's no guarentee that it will even make an impact on the person, do it anyway, because you never know.

Four years ago, when i was strung out on drugs and living in depression, anger and sin, a single girl (younger than I) stepped out of her comfort zone, and initiated conversation with me. She didn't think I would listen, according to everyone else I was a lost cause, she did it anyway. She did'nt think it would take root, she did it anyway, she did'nt think it would change me, but she did it anyway. That girl changed my life.

Now I CHALLENGE YOU, the next time you come into contact with another person, whether its a stranger, a friend, an enemy, or even a family member, step outside of yourself, take control, and be the change. DO IT ANYWAY. I'm sick of people floating through life like a stick in the ocean, being tossed around by the wind and the waves. DO IT ANYWAY

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Ok so as you probably know, i'm a student at SAGU, (Southwestern Assemblies of God University). I absolutely love it. The atmosphere, tehr curriculum, the teachers, everything.

Well, a friend's friend (lol) sold another student named Steven the domain SAGUTalk.com.
This punk is posting all kinds of gossip, slander and rumors about SAGU on it. Ragging on teachers, chapels, spiritual challenges and campus life.

Anybody have any feedback on this matter?

Go check it out ---> http://sagutalk.com